Frequently Asked Questions



What’s the latest version of Letterra?

The current version of Letterra for Adobe Photoshop is 1.2. If you have an older version of Letterra, we strongly recommend updating it to the latest version.

Which version of Photoshop is the Leterra plugin compatible with?

The current version of Letterra is supported with the following Adobe Photoshop Versions:

  • Adobe Photoshop CC2022;
  • Adobe Photoshop newest+

What system does the Letterra plugin support?

Letterra can be used on both Windows and Mac.

Which language version of Photoshop does the plugin support?

Letterra Photoshop plugin is Multilingual. This means that you can use the plugin with any language version of Photoshop.

How to update Letterra?

To update Letterra Plugin for Photoshop, login to your profile at and go to your My Purchases->View Details and Download. You’ll see your file for downloading. Download link are available as long as the license key generated from the purchase is valid and active.

Do I need to pay for future updates?

No. Future updates are absolutely free as long as the license key generated from the purchase is valid and active.

Where I can get the License code?

After purchase you will receive an email with your order number and other purchase information with your license code. Your license key also available in your account area along with your plugin downloads.

Is Letterra plugin works with M1/M2 Apple chip?

Yes. You don’t need to launch Photoshop in Rosetta mode.

What if my old computer is no longer available?

Go to your profile page and deactivate your active licenses. After you can install the plugin and activate your license again.

Didn’t find the answer?

If you still can’t find the answer you’re after in our FAQ, you can contact us.